Monday, January 26, 2015

∮3 從開始到現在 From the beginning till now - 張信哲/Jeff Chang

Song for today is: 從開始到現在/From the beginning till now by 張信哲/Jeff Chang

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:

Lyrics/作詞:Francis Lee/李焯雄
Composer/作曲:Oh Seok Jun/You Hae Jun吳熙俊

如果這是最好的結局 為何我還忘不了你
If this is the best ending, why can't I forget you 
時間改變了我們 告別了單純
Time has changed us, farewelled our innocence 

如果重逢也無法繼續 失去了才算是永恆
If upon reunion we cannot pick up where we left off, to lose it will really be for eternity 
懲罰我的認真 是我太過天真 
Punishing me for taking it too seriously, I was too naive 

難道我就這樣過我的一生 我的吻註定吻不到最愛的人
Am I really going to spend the rest of my life like this, never kissing the one I love the most
為你等從一開始 盼到現在 也同樣落的不可能
To wait for your right from the beginning, still hoping, yet never possible

難道愛情可以轉交給別人 但命運註定留不住我愛的人
Can love really be passed onto someone else, but I am fated to never keep the one I love
我不能 我怎麼會願意承認 你是我不該愛的人
I cant, how do I bring myself to admit, you are not the one I should love

如果再見是為了再分 失去了才算是永恆
If upon reunion we cannot pick up where we left off, to lose it will really be for eternity
Why do the memories buried deep in my heart resurface

難道我就這樣過我的一生 我的吻註定吻不到最愛的人
Am I really going to spend the rest of my life like this, never kissing the one I love the most
為你等從一開始盼到現在 也同樣落的不可能
To wait for your right from the beginning, still hoping, yet never possible

難道愛情可以轉交給別人 但命運註定留不住我愛的人
Can love really be passed onto someone else, but I am fated to never keep the one I love
我不能 我怎麼會願意承認 你是我不該愛的人
I cant, how do I bring myself to admit, you are not the one I should love

拿什麼作證 從未想過愛一個人 需要那麼殘忍才證明愛的深
Using what as proof, never though to love someone requires so much cruelty to prove how deeply you loved

難道我就這樣過我的一生 我的吻註定吻不到最愛的人
Am I really going to spend the rest of my life like this, never kissing the one I love the most
為你等從一開始盼到現在 也同樣落的不可能
To wait for your right from the beginning, still hoping, yet never possible

道愛情可以轉交給別人 但命運註定留不住我愛的人
Can love really be passed onto someone else, but I am fated to never keep the one I love
我不能 我怎麼會願意承認 你是我愛錯了的人
I cant, how do I bring myself to admit, you are the one I wrongly loved

The beginning of the music video has the following blurb:
Can you really forget your first love
假如有一天 你遇到了跟他長的一模一樣的人
If one day you meet someone who looks exactly like them
他真的就是他嗎 還有可能嗎
Are they really the same person, is it still possible
Is this fate's forgiveness
Or another cruel joke

You will never forget your first serious relationship. Few lucky ones out there marry and spend the rest of their lives with their first love while the majority of us go through many heartaches and end up settling. Settling for the shared common goal, settling because of societal and family pressure, settling because we are afraid of dying alone... 

Young love is blind, naive yet pure. It is filled with hopes and dreams of a "happily ever after" without truly thinking of the consequences and what it takes to get there. 

As time passes, you grow older and more "mature". You may go through dating and going into relationships with someone, but you will never have that "love can conquer all" mindset. You take on responsibilities and consider every factor rather than make impulsive decisions. Reason, logic and societal pressure drives you, not love, emotions and desires.

If you had a chance with your first love, would you do things differently? Knowing what you know today, would you still love each other? There are so many things I wish I had said and done, but would "destiny" intervene and the ending stays the same?

My mind is scattered everywhere, emotions raw. How do I make sense of what happened? Why do I continue to justify everything and believe that it was simply fate and I have no choice but to accept it? Almost a year later, I still do not have an answer. 

-- 26.01.15 --