Monday, July 20, 2015


My best friend, sister, the one that means more to me than my blood relatives is going through a very difficult time in her life right now... 
It is so heartbreaking to watch the flame in her almost go out, just barely flickering... 

It takes courage to love, to open yourself up and be vulnerable, yet, somehow, this one person whom you trust with your life just gives it all up, just like that, mind made up, too stubborn to change... 

Why are we like moths drawn to a flame? 
The fire entices you with its warmth and beauty, but the closer you get, the more likely you will wind up as a pile of ashes... 
Ashes scattered around the triumphant fire... 
The fire light you up momentarily, giving you hope that you can unite as one, only to painfully realise you belong in separate worlds... 
Forever divided... 

How do we control that urge to crave companionship? 
How do we know when to say no? 
How do we find our purpose in life?
How do we stop hurting?

Every moment passes by and we are left wondering, have we made the right decision? 
Should we have tried harder? 
Was letting go for the best of us? 
At this moment, REGRET eats you alive. 
You start scolding yourself for not trying harder, for letting the relationship run down the course it has, for not foreseeing what your mistakes lead to, how things could be right now had you acted differently...

As your thoughts take your emotions on a roller coaster ride of painful bitter sweet memories, your wounds start healing. 
You allow time to work its magic. 
Just as you start accepting and believing you are finally okay, you relapse... 
A small insignificant object, room, person, scent or sound rips the scabs open and the pain gushes out, uncontrollably, bloody, and raw. 
Your face buried in the tear stained pillow, countless drenched tissues scattered around the bed, losing your will to fight on. 

Darkness provides comfort. 
The comfort of being in a forgotten corner where you allow your deepest fear to rip you apart. 
Just let go. 
Just let it out.

One day, that beautiful, handsome boyish face shall fade.
The tingly feeling of tears streaming down your face will be long forgotten.
You build a barrier to protect yourself.
You let the boy live in a deep and untouchable chamber in your heart.
Only the pure and sweet memories remain.

You loved.
You were loved. 

-- 20.07.15 --

Saturday, July 18, 2015



-- 18.07.15 --