Saturday, October 15, 2016

It's the little things that matter

Had a great day yesterday despite having to work over time on Saturday (can't complain about the extra $$).
Catching up with a good friend and seeing how much happier and content he is, the change in his attitude and outlook on life, I am happy for him.
Though his "plan" for me didn't quite work - it took the founding father of Taiwan 11 attempts before he succeeded; we will see... haha
I hope to give him some good new both career and ... other aspect wise soon~ 

The highlight of the day goes to spending time with someone that doesn't cease to bring a smile to my face.
Stealing looks at one another in the movie theater and little comments and jokes throughout the movie, you made a film that I normally wouldn't watch fun, laughter-filled and memorable. .

His little gestures throughout the evening really showed the gentleman that he is.
- Going out of his way to go to the theater that is more convenient for me
- Turning up early to pick me up
- Warning me to be careful of the big step/gap when getting out of the car (with me being someone that trips over thin air, there was high possibility I would kiss the concrete lol)
- Fighting to pay for everything
- Being considerate and checking if I was hungry or thirsty
- Letting me have the better seat and closer to the center of the screen
- Apologising and offering to run back alone to pay for parking because it was cold outside
- Being the one to carry things and pouring tea
- Smelling nice ^///^ yes! Smell does matter and I definitely appreciate guys who put in the effort to pick a nice scent and smell nice <3

There were many moments when my heart raced.
The hope I have suppressed for so long is starting to break free.
I start to want more again, I am scared but more excited about the prospect.
I want to trust... I want to feel... I think I am ready now...

I don't need extravagance.
I don't need roses, champagne and lavish gifts.
I appreciate the little things.
The little gestures showing you care penetrates my defenses.
I want to be with someone that cares and gives a damn.

I hope this is the start of something good.

~ 16.10.16 ~