Thursday, June 15, 2017

Good Enough - Evanescence

Good Enough - Evanescence

Under your spell again
I can't say no to you
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand
I can't say no to you

Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly
Now I can't let go of this dream
I can't breathe but I feel

Good enough
I feel good enough for you

Drink up sweet decadence
I can't say no to you
And I've completely lost myself and I don't mind
I can't say no to you

Shouldn't let you conquer me completely
Now I can't let go of this dream
Can't believe that I feel

Good enough
I feel good enough
It's been such a long time coming
But I feel good

And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall
Pour real life down on me
'Cause I can't hold on to anything

This good enough
Am I good enough
For you to love me too?

So take care what you ask of me
'Cause I can't say no


It's coming up to our 8 months anniversary soon.
I have been warned and told not to fall right from the get go by those who care and worry about me.
We both know it's too late for that now as I fell for you long ago, early into our relationship.

My love for you has grown so much especially this past month where I have gone through a lot of change in my life.
You have been here for me, despite the distance, despite the difference in opinion.

Some negative things has happened to you and I hope I have been there for you the way you needed me to.

You have given me more of you, your time, and little bit by bit into your life and who you are as a person.
I am so thankful to have you in my life and the open communication we both work hard to maintain.
We have our fights, some silly, some just sudden spur of emotions mostly on my part but our relationship becomes stronger after every fight.

Words cannot express my appreciation of having such a wonderful man like you in my life.
Sometimes I wonder, how am I this lucky to come across you and have you in my life?
I am flawed, I am emotional, I am insecure, I am impulsive, I am different.
I often wonder what is it about me that you really love?
What makes me different from the rest that makes you want to love me?
Am I good enough for you to want to be with for the rest of your life?

I love your honesty, your strong unshakable opinions and beliefs.
Though we do hold strong opposing views but we respect each others' opinions and can agree to disagree.
"You do you, I am not here to decide for you but to support you in your decisions."
That was one of the sweetest and most touching thing you said to me.
We do not wish to change one another for our own "preferences", we love each other just the way we are.
Just like the lyrics I have completely lost myself and I can't say no to you.
I can't let go of this dream to be with you and I can't believe that I feel this way.

The cynic is still in the back of my mind, dreading the worst, but I'm not letting it get in the way of me loving you. 
The "baggage" people perceive on the surface are not what will stop me from loving you.
At times I am scared, scared of losing you, so scared of saying goodbye for good and you missing from my life.
In those moments I remind myself to stop living in fear.
I need to make the most of how ever much precious time I get with you.

You telling me the probability of you ending your own life upsets me to my core.
I cannot begin imagine the nightmares that haunt your dreams and mind.
I hope to fill your life with happiness that it overshadows the pain you endured.
I understand your viewpoint and am trying to accept this choice to life/death that is yours.
I will endeavour to do everything within my powers to make your life worth living.
There is so much I look forward to in the future I envision with you.

Less than two months till you can hold me and make me yours.
For now, I look forward to simply falling asleep in your arms.
Our breathing and heartbeat slowed and in sync.
To feel the heat of your body next to mine.
Our limbs entwined.
Just You and Me.

Maybe one day you will dream again.
Dream of our life in the years ahead.

The countdown begins...

~ 15.06.2017 ~