Tuesday, May 12, 2015

∮6 你要的愛 The love you want - 戴佩妮 Penny Tai

你要的愛 The love you want by 戴佩妮 Penny Tai

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:

你要的愛 - 戴佩妮
Lyrics/作詞:戴佩妮 / Penny Tai
Composer/作曲:戴佩妮 / Penny Tai

雖然經常夢見妳 還是毫無頭緒

Though I often dream of you, still cannot make sense of it
外面正在下著雨 今天是星期幾

It is raining outside, which day is today
But I don't know 你去那裡

But I don't know, where you went

雖然不曾懷疑你 還是忐忑不定

Though never doubted you, still anxious and uncertain
誰是你的那個唯一 原諒我懷疑自己

Who is your one, forgive me for suspecting it could be me

我明白 我要的愛 會把我寵壞

I understand, the love I want will spoil me
像一個小孩 只懂在你懷裡壞

Like a child, just want to snuggle in your embrace

你要的愛 不只是依賴

The love you want, is not just to be relied upon
要像個大男孩 風吹又日曬 生活自由自在

Like a grown up boy, battered by the winds and sun, living freely

雖然不曾懷疑你 還是忐忑不定

Though never doubted you, still anxious and uncertain
誰是你的那個唯一 原諒我懷疑自己
Who is your one, forgive me for suspecting it could be me

我明白 我要的愛 會把我寵壞

I understand, the love I want will spoil me
像一個小孩 只懂在你懷裡壞

Like a child, just want to snuggle in your embrace

你要的愛 不只是依賴

The love you want, is not just to be relied upon
要像個大男孩 風吹又日曬 生活自由自在

Like a grown up boy, battered by the winds and sun, living freely

我明白 我要的愛 會把我寵壞

I understand, the love I want will spoil me
像一個小孩 只懂在你懷裡壞
Like a child, just want to snuggle in your embrace 

你要的愛 不只是依賴

The love you want, is not just to be relied upon
要像個大男孩 風吹又日曬 生活自由自在
Like a grown up boy, battered by the winds and sun, living freely
This song has so much sentimental value to it.
It is the theme song to the Taiwanese drama - Meteor Garden.

Growing up this used to be the song we used to always sing at karaoke, walking home, or just humming in the shower.

It has such simplistic tune and lyrics, yet it touches you. 

At the time you associate moments from the drama to the song, but after experiencing my own relationship, it hits me on a different level...

In a relationship you start expecting things, wanting things, start playing tug-of-war of give and take. 

Really don't know how to think or feel right now... 

Just have to take everything one step at a time and go with the flow I guess?

Sometimes I really hate playing games... to hard to figure out the best next step when you're in the midst of it all...

-- 12.05.15 --

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