Monday, June 15, 2015

A moment of clarity

It's been awhile since I've felt this way about my life.

Originally my five weeks holiday had multiple purposes: relaxation, lasik eye surgery, visit family and friends, get away from the stresses of work, shopping and rewarding myself after over a year of full time working, lastly and most importantly, to pause and review my life to try figure out my next steps.

Just before my trip something happened that complicated things a bit for me... I was really confused and didn't really know what to do in that situation or knew how I felt and what I wanted. Since then I had some clarification though not quite what I had expected but I'm relieved to know where I stand. It lead to my journey of self discovery, asking myself the hard questions and figuring out who I am, what I want, where I want to be.

The time away has allowed me to actually think and figure out the "big questions". It's exhilarating having "eureka moments" in the middle of the night and finally having clarity on what I want in life and setting obtainable goals. 

Slowly but surely I'm ticking off my list of things to do on this trip.

As I encountered a large hurdle, I manage to stay true to myself and not cave in as I had before. I've made massive progress and manage to realise the importance of sticking up for yourself, loving yourself and saying no. Though tomorrow may be a challenge, but it's something I know I want to face and overcome.

This midnight post probably makes no coherent sense, but as I type this there is clarity in my mind. I know what I want to do and now the hard part is following through with my actions. I need courage to stand up for myself, and I need strength to follow through with my actions. 

Go me? :)

-- 15.06.15 --

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


光良 - 那些愛過的事:


愛 好累 好傷




-- 10.06.15 --