Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ray of Positivity

In this day and age where social media is readily available and you can instantly be connected to most people, some how we wind up being more distant and disconnect than before the social media Era.  
I enjoy and miss having meaningful discussions with close friends about how we really am, really think, really feel and what is actually on our mind. 

Leaving the city on a weekend day trip to see a close friend made me appreciate the freedom and independence of being me.
Despite the not so perfect ending to the day with the pouring rain and speeding fine (oops... I deserve that fine.. >. <"), I still thoroughly relaxed and found comfort in my friends company.
I admire his clear mind and the methodical, efficient way he goes about his day and do things. 
Despite the circumstances he still does not let his emotions cloud his judgement as to what he is after and won't settle for anything less.
His blunt honesty, openness, wicked sense of humor,  being unashamed of who he is and what he stands for are characteristics that is hard to come by.
We both keep each other going and motivated knowing despite everything, we still have someone out there that understands and doesn't judge. 
We accept and like each other for exactly who we are and don't have to hide our true selves around each other. 
I hope we can continue these weekend getaways in the future. 

Another friend who recently found a new job commented she found I was a lot more positive than I previously was.
She is right. 
I have let go completely and am okay to just forget and move on. 
Life is too short so let's not waste any more time than I have already. 

In the heat of the moment I'm stubborn. 
Seeing a similar situation unfold with my best friend gave me perspective of how foolish I was acting and come to the realization of how the other party may have felt. 
For once, I actually do regret some of my actions.
I could have responded better and acted more mature but I let my emotions get the best of me. 
Now I pay the consequences and I've come to accept everything. 
Yes there are still insecurities and hidden trigger points but I have come to just focus on the positives and not let anything else bring me down. 

I am much happier. 

-- 30.5.16 --

Sunday, May 22, 2016




From 這一刻,愛吧!

When love arrives so suddenly, some people are scared of change.
Just be friends, better keep to the status quo. 
Despite appearing to dismiss the feeling of love, it will still create an invisible reaction, pushing you forward till you acknowledge its existence.
If you do not want to have any regrets in the future, please try to pretend this is the world's last eight second.
In front of every moment of love, please make the most of it.
In this moment, love!

I really like you, can you like me too?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Open minded

Learning to keep my mind open. 

Scared as I may be, I won't get anywhere in life without living a little.
So here I am, open to suggestions, trying not to be skeptical.
Not letting what used to bother me get to me.
Exercising my circle of control and changing the way I react to things. 

Learning to let go all together.
Learning to start again.
Learning to be brave.

-- 20.5.16 --

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jealous - Labrinth

Jealous by Labrinth

Original by Labrinth

Cover by Daniel de Bourg 

Acoustic Cover by Will Gittens

As I sink in the sand
Watch you slip through my hands
Oh, as I die here another day, yeah
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

I wished you the best of
All this world could give
And I told you when you left me
There's nothing to forgive
But I always thought you'd come back
Tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say
I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me


I am jealous 
Jealous I can't be the one to make you happy
Jealous I can't be the one by your side
Jealous I can no longer feel your touch
Jealous I am not the now nor the future
Jealous your talks of "we" no longer mean you and me
Jealous your name is no longer linked to mine

-- 14.5.16 --

Sunday, May 8, 2016

∮15 成全 Step Aside - 劉若英 Rene Liu

成全 Step Aside - 劉若英 Rene Liu

Composer 作曲 陳小霞 Salsa Chen
Lyricist 作詞 施立/陳沒 Li Shi / Mo Chen

看著你和她走到我面前 微笑地對我說聲 好久不見
Watching you and her walk towards me, smiling and said to me "long time no see" 
如果當初沒有我的成全 是不是今天還在原地盤旋
If I had not stepped aside originally, will we still be going around in circles

不為了勉強可笑的尊嚴 所有的悲傷丟在 分手那天
Not for the sake of the laughable pride, dumped all the pain on the day we broke up
未必永遠才算愛得完全 一個人的成全 好過三個人的糾結
Forever does not necessarily mean to love to the fullest, some one stepping aside is better than three people vacillating

我對你付出的青春這麼多年 換來了一句 謝謝妳的成全
I invested so many years of my youth in you, in return I got from you "thank you for stepping aside"
成全了你的瀟灑與冒險 成全了我的碧海藍天
Let you go to venture and be free, let me soar to find my blue skies

她許你的海誓山盟蜜語甜言 我只有一句 不後悔的成全
She gave you sweet promises, I leave you with just one sentence "step aside with no regrets"
成全了你的今天與明天 成全了我的下個夏天
Stepping aside for your today and tomorrow, stepping aside for my next summer


I came across this song while watching the TV show - 滾石愛情故事 Rock Records In Love (Episode 4).
This series consists of 20 episodes directed by 15 directors and 10 screenwriters that transformed 20 classic Rock Records songs into love stories.
This episode follows a young couple who meet in drama class and fell in love.
I particularly love the scene where the lead male and lead female were only friends who got slightly tipsy in the classroom and started sharing their personal lives and feelings.
The vulnerability and trust between the characters were convincingly portrayed.
The guy let his guard down and told the girl about what pains him - his mum being in another relationship, seeing his mum being intimate with her new partner, his father's passing.
The girl comforts him by trying to get him to see another perspective, questioning him whether he wishes for his mum to be happy but also acknowledging and validating his feelings.
It was this night the chemistry between the two changed.
In life we are lucky to meet someone who is willing to listen, to understand, to care, to be there for one another and share both the happiness but also the pain.

Like all dramas, something always goes wrong and this young love turns sour when the guy cheats on the girl with her best friend.
The girl did not cause a fuss nor beg the guy to leave her friend, instead she left the guy after slapping him across the face.
Fast forward the girl is now a successful career woman and encounters the guy at a less ideal situation, tripping over and landing flat on her face.
The guy questions why the girl left things the way she did, and did she love him at all.
The girl responds that she stepped aside for herself.
Later she makes the comment "有時候愛的方式不是靠近,而是保持距離" sometimes to love is not being close but to keep your distance.
This applies to love for the other person, but also self love.
It comes hand in hand with two principles I firmly believe:
- To love someone, you need to love yourself first
- You should love someone how they wish to be loved, not how you think they should be loved.
Despite how much I loved K, he had made his decision, to love him and myself was to let him go.
Despite how much I wish to be with my friend, I have to keep my distance as that is what he wants and I also need to focus on myself more.
Don't get me wrong, this does not mean I am someone who gives up easily.
Had I known there was the slightest chance they would change their mind, I would give it all I've got and fight for the two of us even if they have given up.
Both know how stubborn I may be.

I no longer am waiting around and hoping for something to happen.
A friend's analysis of my previous predicament has provided an alternative perspective on my friends' action which has helped me move on a bit more.
I let my pessimism get the best of me and assume the worse of myself.
I fail to love myself and always put others first.
I forget to love someone how they wish to be loved and my love becomes a burden.
Time and time again, I need to learn to love myself before getting emotionally invested in anyone else.
As hard as it may be, I am keeping my distance and getting accustomed to how things were before everything happened.
I have no regrets confessing and doing everything I did.
There is no point dwelling on the "what ifs" and what could have been.
I am proud of my courage, glad I felt the feelings, and thankful to have loved.

No one knows what the future holds.
No one can promise forever and never changing heart.
Single to relationship, relationship to marriage, marriage to divorce, divorce to single, single to new relationship. 
We jump onto the carousel to experience the journey while hoping when it stops, we leave with a smile. 

I am learning to smile no matter where I get off.

-- 8.5.16 --

Thursday, May 5, 2016

La Douleur Exquise

The exquisite pain of wanting someone that you know you can never have, and knowing that you will still try to be with them.