Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ray of Positivity

In this day and age where social media is readily available and you can instantly be connected to most people, some how we wind up being more distant and disconnect than before the social media Era.  
I enjoy and miss having meaningful discussions with close friends about how we really am, really think, really feel and what is actually on our mind. 

Leaving the city on a weekend day trip to see a close friend made me appreciate the freedom and independence of being me.
Despite the not so perfect ending to the day with the pouring rain and speeding fine (oops... I deserve that fine.. >. <"), I still thoroughly relaxed and found comfort in my friends company.
I admire his clear mind and the methodical, efficient way he goes about his day and do things. 
Despite the circumstances he still does not let his emotions cloud his judgement as to what he is after and won't settle for anything less.
His blunt honesty, openness, wicked sense of humor,  being unashamed of who he is and what he stands for are characteristics that is hard to come by.
We both keep each other going and motivated knowing despite everything, we still have someone out there that understands and doesn't judge. 
We accept and like each other for exactly who we are and don't have to hide our true selves around each other. 
I hope we can continue these weekend getaways in the future. 

Another friend who recently found a new job commented she found I was a lot more positive than I previously was.
She is right. 
I have let go completely and am okay to just forget and move on. 
Life is too short so let's not waste any more time than I have already. 

In the heat of the moment I'm stubborn. 
Seeing a similar situation unfold with my best friend gave me perspective of how foolish I was acting and come to the realization of how the other party may have felt. 
For once, I actually do regret some of my actions.
I could have responded better and acted more mature but I let my emotions get the best of me. 
Now I pay the consequences and I've come to accept everything. 
Yes there are still insecurities and hidden trigger points but I have come to just focus on the positives and not let anything else bring me down. 

I am much happier. 

-- 30.5.16 --

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