Sunday, April 9, 2017

Naivety and ignorance with war - Please be okay..

My Dearest Hun is in the American military.
There is a possibility of him being deployed to Syria given the unrest and recent missile strike.
Being so far away from middle east and areas where lives are constantly being lost, I have been ignorant and naive.
I am aware of what is highlighted in the media but have been blissfully ignorant as New Zealand is far from the fighting.
The possibility of H being deployed and being in harms way terrifies me...
I wish the world doesn't operate in a way that innocent lives are sacrificed for the greed and gain of the minority.
I try to hold it together in front of him but I'm so scared of losing him.
When he half joked half seriously said to his brother to let me know if something does happen to him, the reality hit.
I hate my powerlessness and meaningless life here.
This "sanctuary" I'm in is also a cage.
A cage that stops me from being with the man I love.
While I'm here helping some rich undeserving greedy people get richer, my Love is training for a potential chemical weapon war that he has little protection against.
I do not wish to lose him and our future together.
There is so much I wish for us to experience together, even just standing physically there, face to face and embracing for the first time, something many of us take for granted.
I want to be with him.
I love him.

This distance both physical and time is so hard on me.
I don't need to be rich, just content and satisfied.
I want him here and safe, building a future together.
I want a simple happy life with H.

Please God if you are out there, keep him safe.
Keep my H safe and out of harms way.
Stop the on going conflict and suffering around the world.
Don't let the innocent spill their blood whilst the true aggressors play with the lives they are entrusted with.

Please keep him safe.
Please let us unite.

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