Wednesday, June 25, 2014

∮1 泡沫 Bubbles - 鄧紫棋 G.E.M

Song for today is: 泡沫/Bubble by 鄧紫棋/G.E.M

Original lyrics and my english translation/interpretation of the lyrics:

鄧紫棋 - 泡沫

Arranger/編曲:Lupo Groinig
Producer/監製:Lupo Groinig

陽光下的泡沫 是彩色的
Bubbles under the sun, are colourful
就像被騙的我 是幸福的
Like me being lied to, blissfully happy
追究什麼對錯 你的謊言 基於你還愛我
Why pursue what's right and wrong, your lies, are because you still love me
美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
Beautiful bubbles, although just a spark of fireworks
你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
All your promises, although are too weak
但愛像泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
But love is like bubbles, if you can see through it, what's there to be sad about

早該知道泡沫 一觸就破
Should have known bubbles, burst with one touch
就像已傷的心 不勝折磨
Just like a broken heart, cannot withstand anymore torture
也不是誰的錯 謊言再多 基於你還愛我
It's no ones fault, even with more lies, because you still love me

美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
Beautiful bubbles, although sudden like fireworks
你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
Your promises, although are too weak
愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
Love is just bubbles, if you can see through it, what's there to be sad about

再美的花朵 盛開過就凋落
Even the most beautiful flower, after blossoming will wilt
再亮眼的星 一閃過就墜落
Even the brightest star, after sparkling will fall
愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
Love is just bubbles, if you can see through it, what's there to be sad about
為什麼難過 有什麼難過 為什麼難過
Why be sad, what is there to be sad about, why be sad

全都是泡沫 只一剎的花火
Everything is just bubbles, just a spark of fireworks
你所有承諾 全部都太脆弱
All your promises, are too fragile and weak
而你的輪廓 怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
And your face, blame myself for not seeing through it, that is why I'm so hurt and upset

相愛的把握 要如何再搜索
Certainty of being in mutual love, how to find it again
相擁著寂寞 難道就不寂寞
Embracing loneliness, wouldn't it still be lonely
愛本是泡沫 怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
Love is just bubbles, blame myself for not seeing through it, that is why I'm so hurt and upset

在雨下的泡沫 一觸就破
Bubbles under the rain, burst with one touch
當初熾熱的心 早已沉沒
Original passionate scorching heart, has sunk long ago
說什麼你愛我 如果騙我 我寧願你沉默
Saying you love me, if you're lying, I would rather you remain silent.
This song is near the top of my list of favourite songs by G.E.M. I love the fact G.E.M both composed and wrote the lyrics to the song and you can hear and feel her connecting with the song in her performances. She cleverly draws a comparison between love and bubbles, highlighting the temperamental and fragile elements of both love and bubbles. Although you know bubbles will burst, you still want to try to touch and admire it. A contrast of the beauty and happiness love brings, but also the pain and harsh reality you face in love. It's no romantic slow relaxed love song, yet it's definitely not an over the top dramatic song either. Just listening to the song without the music video creates in my mind being surround by darkness with a ray of taunting light that you're trying to grab a hold of but forever just out of reach. 

It is the song towards nearing the end of a relationship. When you have been cheated on or lied to and feel like the magic and spark between the two of you will remain a thing of the past. You are hurt but still hold onto that one tiny bit of hope that love exists. You are scolding yourself, why are you hurt when you knew being in love would bring along this pain? You still hold onto the hope that love exists but have lost faith in the person you are with. Instead of placing the blame on the other person, you blame yourself, blame yourself for falling for them, for believing, for falling in love.

-- 25.06.14 --

Monday, June 23, 2014

Let the waves come crashing

A simple melody, tune, even a chord can bring back memories you have tried to suppress and hide so well. 

The rise and fall of the melody is like a painter's brush, our memory and imagination as the canvas. 

It doesn't take a dramatic over the top song to bring tears to your eyes, sometimes its the simplest melody that takes you on a journey down memory lane. 
The song that you used to listen to as a child whilst driving for hours on road trips with your family, or maybe its the song the neighbours used to blast on those warm summer nights, might be the theme song of a drama you grew up watching, perhaps its that song you and your first love used to sing together... 

The power of music and the emotions it evoke in us is undeniable. 
There is no escape. 

Once the music hits you the emotions and memories come flooding, like a tidal wave, you are drowning in the sea of nostalgic memories, whirlpools of flashbacks drag you down further. 
Somehow you grab a hold of a driftwood called reality and you gradually drift to shore, emotionally and physically drained but still in one piece. 

Is it masochistic to want to approach the sea again? 
The power, the poise, the soothing yet terrifying waves hypnotise you, you cannot help but want to revisit the place that is so beautiful yet emotionally draining. 
You build up your courage, you learn to swim harder, yet no matter how hard you prepare, there is always that one song you will lose yourself in. 

I am a masochist who enjoys losing herself in nostalgic melodies. 

Let the emotions and memories come at me.

-- 23.06.14 --