Monday, June 23, 2014

Let the waves come crashing

A simple melody, tune, even a chord can bring back memories you have tried to suppress and hide so well. 

The rise and fall of the melody is like a painter's brush, our memory and imagination as the canvas. 

It doesn't take a dramatic over the top song to bring tears to your eyes, sometimes its the simplest melody that takes you on a journey down memory lane. 
The song that you used to listen to as a child whilst driving for hours on road trips with your family, or maybe its the song the neighbours used to blast on those warm summer nights, might be the theme song of a drama you grew up watching, perhaps its that song you and your first love used to sing together... 

The power of music and the emotions it evoke in us is undeniable. 
There is no escape. 

Once the music hits you the emotions and memories come flooding, like a tidal wave, you are drowning in the sea of nostalgic memories, whirlpools of flashbacks drag you down further. 
Somehow you grab a hold of a driftwood called reality and you gradually drift to shore, emotionally and physically drained but still in one piece. 

Is it masochistic to want to approach the sea again? 
The power, the poise, the soothing yet terrifying waves hypnotise you, you cannot help but want to revisit the place that is so beautiful yet emotionally draining. 
You build up your courage, you learn to swim harder, yet no matter how hard you prepare, there is always that one song you will lose yourself in. 

I am a masochist who enjoys losing herself in nostalgic melodies. 

Let the emotions and memories come at me.

-- 23.06.14 --

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