Monday, March 30, 2015

Moment of soul searching and stopping to comprehend who I've become

Just another day, turning up to work, answering calls, chasing up documents and getting through the never ending mundane work I must do to ensure I can afford the lifestyle of sipping over priced, often burnt coffee and having spur of the moment online shopping sprees.

I turned up to work with the same expectation, same shit, just another day, oh at least today is pay day. Everyday I'm faced with people who are going through some kind of difficult moment in their lives such as burglary, vehicle accidents and lost phones (believe me, people are pretty damn attached to their phones these days and get upset with the concept of any "delay" in getting their phone replaced).

As I was lodging a regular vehicle claim with a lovely friendly lady in her 50s, I had to ask the mandatory question "have you had any alcohol or drugs in the last 12 hours?".

Mostly people just laugh the question off and answer "no", this lady gave me an honest answer that I never thought I'd hear. She said in a matter-of-fact tone with the same friendly voice "oh I take medication for terminal cancer, nothing bad, just pain killers, I've accepted it and am quite open about it".

In that moment I froze and let out a gasp and snapped out of the "claims consultant" mode and actually thought about what was actually happening.

Here I am in my mid 20s wasting my life and complaining about how I wish things were different, while a stranger on the phone was actually fighting for her life and remaining so positive.

It has been nagging me for awhile, aside from slightly higher income, what am I really getting out of this secondment? I feel like I've become desensitized and cynical about the world. The people I work with are amazing, funny and supportive but at the end of the day I can't see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

Must continue to challenge myself and push myself past the boundaries to be a better me.

Be decisive and go for what I want. 


-- 30.03.15 --

Sunday, March 15, 2015

∮4 我懷念的 What I Miss - 孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun

我懷念的 What I miss by 孫燕姿/Stefanie Sun

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:

孫燕姿 - 我懷念的

Lyrics/ 作詞:姚若龍 Ruo-Long Yao
Composer/作曲:李偲菘 Shih Shiong Lee
Arranger/編曲:Martin Tang

我問為什麼 那女孩傳簡訊給我 
I ask why that girl messages me 
而你為什麼 不解釋低著頭沉默
Why don't you offer any explanation, just silently lowering your head
我該相信你很愛我 不願意敷衍我 
I should believe you really love me, don't want to brush me off
Or should I take it as you don't want to salvage anything 

想問為什麼 我不再是你的快樂 
Want to ask why I am no longer your happiness
可是為什麼 卻苦笑說我都懂了
But why, just bitterly smile and say I understand
自尊常常將人拖著 把愛都走曲折 
Pride often drags you down, take love on a twisted journey
假裝了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸
Pretending to understand because of fear of the naked truth
Being helpless is more painful than losing 

I miss bearing our souls to each other
I miss dreaming together
我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
I miss after the argument, the urge to still love you
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
I remember that year's birthday, and remember that song
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
Remember that starry night, tightly held right hand, warmest nook

誰記得 誰忘了
Who remembers Who forgot
想問為什麼 我不再是你的快樂 
Want to ask why I am no longer your happiness
可是為什麼 卻苦笑說我都懂了
But why, just bitterly smile and say I understand
自尊常常將人拖著 把愛都走曲折 
Pride often drags you down, takes love down a twisted path
假裝了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸
Pretending to understand because of fear of the naked truth
Feeling loss is more bearable than being helpless 

I miss bearing our souls to each other
I miss dreaming together
我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
I miss after the argument, the urge to still love you
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
I remember that year's birthday, and remember that song
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
Remember that starry night, tightly held right hand, warmest nook

Who forgot

我懷念的是無言感動 我懷念的是絕對熾熱
I miss being speechlessly moved, I miss the undeniable passion

我懷念的是你很激動 求我原諒抱得我都痛
I miss you being frantic, hugging me that it hurts beginning for my forgiveness
我記得你在背後 也記得我顫抖著

I remember you behind me, and remember I was trembling
記得感覺洶湧 最美的煙火 最長的相擁

Remember feeling the internal turmoil, most beautiful fireworks, the longest embrace

誰愛的太自由 誰過頭太遠
Who loves too freely, who strayed too far away

誰要走我的心 誰忘了那就是承諾
Who stole my heart, who forgot that it was a vow 
誰自顧自地走 誰忘了看著我 
Who continued with their own path, who forgot to look at me
誰讓愛變沉重 誰忘了要給你溫柔
Who allowed love to become a burden, who forgot to show you tenderness


What I miss

I still have urges to love you
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌

I remember that year's birthday, and remember that song
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口

Remember that starry night, tightly held right hand, warmest nook

我放手 我讓座 假灑脫 誰懂我多麼不捨得

I let go, gave up my place, pretended to be okay, who understands how hard it was
太愛了 所以我 沒有哭 沒有說
Love too much, so I didn't cry, didn't say anything

It's been awhile since my last post.
So many songs I want to translate but just not having the motivation, time or energy to do so...

I wrote a post around a month ago in chinese summarising how I feel now towards K.
He is now but a bitter sweet memory. 

Despite putting on a mask in front of everyone, despite trying to move on and like someone else (I have no clue about dating and am doing REALLY badly...>__<") there are just countless nights where I wish I could turn back time and somehow make it work...
There is no point playing the blame game now, it is what it is, must accept and move on.

I'm trying to be brave, trying to pick myself and become more optimistic and independent and hopefully one day learn to trust and rely on someone again. 

As Taiwanese TV host and author 蔡康永 Kevin Tsai said:
"談過的戀愛,並不會像剪掉的頭髮,風一吹 就漂走了; 談過的戀愛,會變成葉片上的紋脈,腳踝上的微血管,儲存記憶,維持生命,難以察覺 但一直存在"

The relationship you go through is not like hair that has been cut, a gust of wind just blows it away; The relationships you go through will become like patterns of a leaf, like tiny veins on your ankle, storing memory, sustaining life, hard to detect, but always present.

I won't ever truly get over K, but I will learn, grow and become a better person thanks to him.

I wish him happiness and hope one day (soon would be great :P) I can find my nook, my best friend and partner in life. 

-- 15.03.15 --