Monday, March 30, 2015

Moment of soul searching and stopping to comprehend who I've become

Just another day, turning up to work, answering calls, chasing up documents and getting through the never ending mundane work I must do to ensure I can afford the lifestyle of sipping over priced, often burnt coffee and having spur of the moment online shopping sprees.

I turned up to work with the same expectation, same shit, just another day, oh at least today is pay day. Everyday I'm faced with people who are going through some kind of difficult moment in their lives such as burglary, vehicle accidents and lost phones (believe me, people are pretty damn attached to their phones these days and get upset with the concept of any "delay" in getting their phone replaced).

As I was lodging a regular vehicle claim with a lovely friendly lady in her 50s, I had to ask the mandatory question "have you had any alcohol or drugs in the last 12 hours?".

Mostly people just laugh the question off and answer "no", this lady gave me an honest answer that I never thought I'd hear. She said in a matter-of-fact tone with the same friendly voice "oh I take medication for terminal cancer, nothing bad, just pain killers, I've accepted it and am quite open about it".

In that moment I froze and let out a gasp and snapped out of the "claims consultant" mode and actually thought about what was actually happening.

Here I am in my mid 20s wasting my life and complaining about how I wish things were different, while a stranger on the phone was actually fighting for her life and remaining so positive.

It has been nagging me for awhile, aside from slightly higher income, what am I really getting out of this secondment? I feel like I've become desensitized and cynical about the world. The people I work with are amazing, funny and supportive but at the end of the day I can't see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

Must continue to challenge myself and push myself past the boundaries to be a better me.

Be decisive and go for what I want. 


-- 30.03.15 --

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