Monday, January 30, 2017

Save Me From Myself - Christina Aguilera

Save Me From Myself by Christina Aguilera

It's not so easy loving me
It gets so complicated
All the things you've gotta be
Everything's changin'
But you're the truth
I'm amazed by all your patience
Everything I put you through

When I'm about to fall
Somehow you're always waitin'
With your open arms to catch me
You're gonna save me from myself
From myself, yes
You're gonna save me from myself

My love is tainted by your touch
'Cause some guys have shown me aces
But you've got that royal flush
I know it's crazy everyday
Well, tomorrow may be shaky
But you never turn away

Don't ask me why I'm cryin'
'Cause when I start to crumble
You know how to keep me smilin'
You always save me from myself
From myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself

I know it's hard, it's hard
But you've broken all my walls
You've been my strength, so strong

And don't ask me why I love you
It's obvious your tenderness
Is what I need to make me
A better woman to myself
To myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself


This song has a special place in my heart since the first time I heard it.
Christina Aguilera has always been my favourite singer from when I was young.
The first CD I owned was Christina Aguilera's self titled album followed by Linkin Park's Meteora.
Both CDs currently sit in my car as my go to CDs along with Coldplay.

When my insecurities get out of control I become a crazy person.
I need a partner that not only allows me to trust him but also make me feel safe.
I need someone who understands me completely. 
He needs to recognise when I revert to my insecure mind and he needs to drag me out of that rut.
I need someone who is patient and can see my logic and reasons, and knows how to communicate with me.
I am not unreasonable, I listen to my partner and generally do sway in my opinion but he too needs to listen and compromise.

I am so fortunate to be with someone who has not ran away from the "serious talks" we've had so far.
From the bottom of my heart I really do hope H is the one I promise "till death do us part".
When I decide to go into a relationship, I go in with the mindset that it will be my last.
Be it one month, three months or years, I will do what I can to make the relationship work.

With H I was unprepared.
I never expect myself at this age to fall for someone I never meet in person before.
I never expect myself to be in a long distance relationship, let alone with someone in the military.
His life is so different and far away from mine...
It makes me nervous and insecure when I am faced with uncertainties and cannot picture what it is like in his life.
I missed the stability to his routine when he was back in Japan.
He had a role which he excelled in, despite the annoyance of bureaucracies and idiotic coworkers/supervisors.

I am forever counting down the months till we can begin a real physical relationship of being in each other's life on a daily basis.
I really wish to feel his arms wrapped around me, to be lost in the moment and in one another's presence.
I will be such an emotional mess when I first see and hug him.
Right now I have to settle with just having what ever little contact he has chosen to give me.
I do not wish to be needy or demanding, I understand he has his priorities.
Unfortunately for me, I am not at the top of the priority list right now.
The plans I envisioned of meeting up this year may not come true, it is dictated by someone else.
I try to not let the prospect of "deployment" bring me down and try look at the positives.
No need to worry about what I have no control over, right?
My God, it is hard.

He has insecurities and his demons and skeletons in the closet.
He has already opened up about the "big things" but there is still so much I wish to know.
Time and patience, I need to keep reminding myself.
I have my own issues and he has been very understanding and unfazed by what I have told him so far.
Sometimes I do wonder is he even listening? Does he even care about me?...
I make excuses and pretend it is universal and not just with me. .
I do wish he would be more interested...
I do not like sorrys.
Maybe he genuinely forgot.
Just have to remind myself to not dwell on the disappointment and not take it personally.

It is late and I am tired...
Shall finish this tomorrow... 

~30.01.17 ~

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Back At One - Brian McKnight

Back at One - Brian McKnight

It's undeniable
That we should be together
It's unbelievable
How I used to say
That I'd fall never
The basis is need to know
If you don't know
Just how I feel
Then let me show you now
That I'm for real
If all things in time
Time will reveal

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
Girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one

It's so incredible
The way things work themselves out
And all emotional
Once you know what it's all about, hey
And undesirable
For us to be apart
I never would have made it very far
'Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
Girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one

Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child
Whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life
Into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out of the lifeline
Just in the nick of time

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
Girl, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one


Will you get here already? :(

~ 15.01.17 ~

Friday, January 6, 2017

~ 365 Days of Appreciation and Highlights ~

So my best friend C and I decided to embark on 365 days of highlights of our day.
I have always stuck by the belief that it is the small things that matter and need to be appreciated too.
We've been meaning to do this for quite a long while and always procrastinated in the past.
What better time to start this than a new year? ^___^

Sunday 1st Jan 2017:

S: Spending New Years with my Sisters M & X and being able to catch up with friends that I haven't seen for 4 years - P & A.

Monday 2nd Jan 2017:

S: Flying back home as despite the fun I've had in Melbourne I was missing home ><

Tuesday 3rd Jan 2017:

S: Being able to work through some issues with H and having a really open discussion, compromising and coming to a solution together. 

Wednesday 4th Jan 2017:

S: My sisters X & M knew I wasn't feeling well and dropped off the sweetest care package of soup (with minimal carrot content <3), medication and 山楂茶 made by X and their dad to help with the nausea <3 Truly touched and felt the love from my sisters and besties. 

Thursday 5th Jan 2017:

S: H really likes subway and I haven't had subway in ages so I decided to have it for dinner and it was DELICIOUS <3
C: I'm cooking! This is a momentous occasion as last time I cooked was in October when G visited

Friday 6th Jan 2017:

S: Watching Rogue One with B & K and indulging on my geeky side.
C: My journey to Porirua. I skipped out of work early to go pick up my keyboard to work on my book and apply for jobs with but I got lost in Porirua. I appreciated the sunshine and exercise met some lovely people and brought some new sports bras, a mason jar for my work post its, L plates for driving, some kitchen equipment and some pink paper to write letters on So basically a good shopping trip. 

Saturday 7th Jan 2017:

S: Having C share some personal family issue with me which means a lot as I felt C trusts me and I was glad to lend an ear and be there for her. Even though not in person but I think that is the beauty of true friendship, no matter the distance true friendship survives time and it is a bond you can't easily break. 
C: Eating Ramen and tea stained eggs which reminded me of G and childhood friend J. 

Sunday 8th Jan 2017:

S: Going for a message because I really needed one and it is empowering doing something for myself just because I can. 
C: L coming home. 

Monday 9th Jan 2017:

S: 1. Sending out an invite to all my work friends for Korean BBQ dinner / Yum Cha lunch to catch up outside of work and celebrate my ESCAPE from my current workplace. It feels great to know there are workmates that I would still stay in touch with outside of work. 
    2. H making time so we can have a proper discussion about some issues and really making an effort to make it work between us. <3 Was quite surprising to know he has actually told his parents about me.
C: I wanted to bail on the gym and work was getting stressful but I remained calm and then went!

Tuesday 10th Jan 2017:

S: Had 58 minute conversation with a customer that was very thought provoking and motivational. He had big visions on how to make a positive influence to society and focuses on the emotional and mental aspects that many neglect. I would love the opportunity to meet and listen to him speak in person. So privileged to converse with a Ted speaker. I wish him the best in his future endeavors. Actions speak louder than words. *Inspired* 
C: Walking home with my friend (1 hour and half walk) then going for a 45 min run afterwards while listening to some lovely old music I forgot I loved. 

Wednesday 11th Jan 2017:

S: Last day of work at my last job. Failed speech but being able to meet up with coworker's for Korean BBQ after was really nice. I know there are many I would remain friends with outside of work. 
C: L telling me to go to the gym instead of working late. I came in early specifically to go to the gym so I was allowed to go and i felt great! Second and the better highlight is that I played games for the first time in a week instead of going out and I had so much fun relaxing so its good to know your limits.

Thursday 12th Jan 2017:
S: Seeing and helping my other "parents" - S & M with some simple IT issues. They make me feel like I'm a part of the family, welcomed and loved. I am extremely lucky that in place of the negativity around my biological parents, I have my "adopted" (kind of?) family that I can love, rely on and share my life with. 
C: Playing FFTCG with my dad and sister.

Friday 13th Jan 2017: 
S: Picking up my new work car after catching up with my old workmates for Yum Cha.
C: Reading hyperbole and a half in the park at lunchtime and it being a great sunny wonderful day.

Saturday 14th Jan 2017:
S: Going out for karaoke after friend - R's birthday dinner at Kushi. 
C: Finding wholesome memes. I'm only going to have positive vibes in my life for awhile.

Sunday 15th Jan 2017:
S: H picking up I was upset about not being able to talk to him after staying up late waiting. I was nervous about starting my new job tomorrow and really needed to hear his voice. I really missed him and our video chats. He actually called despite it being 7am in the morning in his time #ldrstruggles. His explanation of how he realise I was upset was simply "I know you". <3
C: Being undefeated at Magic tournament.

Monday 16th Jan 2017:
S: Starting new job and meeting some really lovely people and seeing a few friendly familiar faces. 
C: Going to ballet class with mummy.

Tuesday 17th Jan 2017:
S: Being trained by super cool workmate M who is really geeky and promised to come back and play FFXIV with me! Yay!

Wednesday 18th Jan 2017:
S: Workmate A has been super nice and helpful and showing me the ropes to everything and super friendly and helpful. Learning so much and this new system is sooo much better than the crappy system I had to use at my last job.

Thursday 19th Jan 2017:
S: Enjoyed delicious and healthy lunch from Habitual Fix including a guilty, sorry not sorry mango smoothie. 

Friday 20th Jan 2017:
S: H being proactive and initiated the conversation for us to have a proper “chat”. Though we didn't really end up solving the main issue but I know at the end of the day we love each other and both want us to work out. Though we never met in person I somehow miss him all the time. I really cherish our one on one video chats and having him all to myself and not in a group where I don't feel as comfortable talking to him like I normally do. 
C: I had lunch with one of my old coworkers and we had awesome burgers and she told me she used to write fan fiction!

Saturday 21st Jan 2017:
S: Hanging out with B & K like we used to and playing boardgames. LOVE tabletop boardgames~
C: Getting to the second ending of World of Final Fantasy. 

Sunday 22nd Jan 2017:
S: Going to an open home and meeting a real estate agent for the first time. Thinking, planning and doing something for the future. Adulting.
Falling asleep on the phone while video chatting with H. It almost felt as if he was next to me, almost.. I really wish he was here... So much... 
C: Playing Magic with my dad.

Monday 23rd Jan 2017:
S: Speaking with W whom I'm staying with for the upcoming long weekend. We talked for almost 3 hours and it's so nice to talk to someone who understands your view point. I really miss working with him.

Tuesday 24th Jan 2017:
S: Having delicious healthy lunch from Habitual fix and getting discounts for working at an office nearby. 

Wednesday 25th Jan 2017:
S: H making time especially just for me and me later being comfortable and trust H and our relationship enough to just bare my heart out to him to say exactly what was on my mind. It took a lot of courage for me to send everything through to him as most guys would be running out there door with some of the topics I brought up.

Thursday 26th Jan 2017:
S: Had a deep and meaningful discussion with H about the future, buying a house, what we want and setting realistic expectations. 

Friday 27th Jan 2017:
S: Having lunch with M whom I haven't seen or caught up with in awhile. She isn't in a great place but the fire is still in her. Glad she could open up to me and I really hope she finds the purpose in her life that makes her happy.
Was invited to S's house for Chinese new year dinner. Felt really welcomed by her very cute family, enjoyed delicious food, had newly qualified phyio - B have a look at my ankle (TY!) and lastly enjoying karaoke and a decent chat with both S & J. I'm so happy to see how much they are in love with one another. They give me hope that long distance with someone whom you meet online is possible. I really missed H that night..

Saturday 28th Jan 2017:
S: driving down to stay with W in Hamilton and enjoying the fun of preparing healthy gourmet three course meal~

Sunday 29th Jan 2017:
S: Went blueberry picking followed by spa at Te Aroha. Was so relieved I could fit into my new togs especially since I've gained weight. 

Monday 30th Jan 2017:
S: Auckland anniversary day meaning no work and being able to sleep in and game all day with H. 
Played boardgames with B, K & R - Exploding kittens & Betrayal at house on a hill. Lots of fun and love having tabletop simulator allowing us to play no matter where and within the comfort of our homes.

Tuesday 31st 2017:
S: Being pleasantly surprised by H messaging me good morning and asking how I was then later spending time gaming together. 
Arranged 2 client visits next week which I'm nervous but also excited about. Both clients are in the food industry which is a massive BONUS! Haha 

Wednesday 1st Feb 2017:
S: Last minute invitation to a friend's dinner with the whole gang. Nice seeing everyone together and I'm proud and happy that N is taking such a big step and courageous move. I'm sure this will be a tough lesson and he will be even better at the end if it. I'm sure we will still keep in contact and he will have a lot of interesting stories to share.

Thursday 2nd Feb 2017:
S: H messaging me first to ask how I was then we video chatted and later played FFXIV together. Love this boy~

Friday 3rd Feb 2017: 
S: Colleague M invited me to lunch at Sal's pizza with the guys A, B & J. I invited wifey T along and she had fun too~ So nice escaping the office and hanging out with genuinely nice guys, just chatting about work, geeky things and having a good laugh. 

Saturday 4th Feb 2017:
S: Spending time with B & K going for a haircut, dinner at a noodle place (I LOVE noodles!), arcade fun then watching X.X.X Return of Xander Cage. Lots of teasing and laughing when hanging out with these two.

Sunday 5th Feb 2017:
S: Did 40 minutes on the treadmil majority walking but still a good effort.
Played dungeons and dragons for the first time with H and his friends which was a lot of fun and being able to see a different side of H was a bonus. 
Favorite part was later falling asleep next to H while video chatting. It's almost as if he was next to me, almost...

Monday 6th Feb 2017:
S: Sleeping in on public holiday - Waitangi Day. Popped into work to catch up on some work and colleague A was there, super nice and had a good yarn as usual. A lot more relaxed working at my own pace and slowly figuring out my own way of doing things. Got one particularly hard one I've been procrastinating on out of the way.

Tuesday 7th Feb 2017:
S: Had my first ever client meeting today. Went out with my manager G who is lovely, great sense of humour and drives just like me! Haha speeding and acceleration YES! The business owner was a chef - very physically attractive; and I learnt a lot from this meeting. The ease and effortless flow of conversation that G has mastered the art of, I hope one day I can do the same.
Was extremely happy that H was there for me, messaging me not to "botch it" haha thinking of him eases my mind and as physically attractive as the chef may be, my heart is safely (arguable) with H <3

Massive gap between Feb 8th till Feb 24th...

Saturday 18th Feb 2017:
S: Catching up with C who flew up from Wellington and we had Chop chop ramen for lunch. Its nice messaging one another all the time but catching up face to face is so much nicer. So happy she made an effort to see me on her brief trip.
Was leaving party for N who is moving to China indefinitely. Nice catching up with everyone briefly and definitely will miss N and all his great convos and baking.

Saturday 25th Feb 2017:
S: Eventful day.
1. Caught up with M & K to watch Split which is based on someone that has intrigued me in the past when I was studying psychology. Despite being psychological thriller I had to cover my eyes for certain parts but I did enjoy the movie itself just not so happy with the treatment of some characters and the connotations it leads to about mentally ill people. Meh, out of my control and my brain can't handle more thinking right now. 
2. Had a really good catch up session with M, god I've missed her and our conversations. We are both a bit worn out and exhausted but I really hope she has found a purpose and direction to her life. Food at The Kimchi Project was really good, the owner was lovely, the diner on the table next to us was a BITCH. Sadly know all too well what it's like to deal with self-entitled people.. 
3. Spent a long time chatting with H and we've came to an agreement on spending time together so hopefully no further issues about time spent together in the future. 

Sunday 26th Feb 2017:
S: I overslept and sadly missed the date and woke up to H's message with his phone number. the number meant a lot to me in that it provides me a sense of security in being able to contact him if he's outside wifi coverage. I called and spoke to him briefly (not looking forward to phone bill...) and our date was so simple and lovely~ His presense makes a world of difference to my world, it uplifted me and reminded me of why I'm in this relationship and what I loved about this boy~ 
2. Made the tough decision between basketball and D&D, I know for me the priority will be H and as much as I want to play bball, if I don't commit and make an effort with H it's not fair on our relationship and I will regret it later.
3. Catching up with my sister S who baked me BREAD! It's so nice chatting with someone who understands and doesn't judge you and you can be open with. I applaud her for her decision to be herself and pursue what makes her happy. I wish her all the best in her endeavours and hope to stay in contact more often. 

Monday 27th Feb 2017:
S: Had my first meeting with Underwriters and was shouted lunch. It's nice having that connection with me previously working for the same employer, always very satisfying spending time with someone who understands the industry and you can talk extensively about insurance with. Yes I'm an insurance geek.

Tuesday 28th Feb 2017:
S: Falling asleep next to H after a long day at work. LDR is such a bitter sweet relationship where you must try and make the most of every moment. 

Wednesday 1st March 2017:
S: This was a horrible day for me. Ended in tears and hearing news of something that made me cry in front of H... How little he knows of what it's like from my perspective...

Thursday 2nd March 2017:
S: H and I sorted out our issues however there were still aspects I wasn't too keen on but willing to make a concession on. It was so hard, trying to stay composed and not just lash out at someone who is manipulating the person I love. At least now I know I am the priority in his life. Had he approached me first and discussed it with me we wouldn't have gotten to that point. So much to learn in a relationship.. 

Friday 3rd March 2017:
S: Brought tickets to see H in August!!! Felt surreal and I really hope the trip goes well. Was on a high and happy buzz most of the day. I'M GOING TO SEE HIM IN 5 MONTHS!! AHHH

Saturday 4th March 2017:
S: Watched Logan with B & K followed by dinner at Ding Ding. Always a good time hanging out with the boys, not having to worry too much and just get along well. 

Sunday 5th March 2017:
S: Wasn't feeling great so slept in and just tried to let my body heal. Played D&D then later Heros of the Storm with H's friends, was fun but wished there were more interactions with H... 

Tuesday 21st March 2017: 
S: I have been feeling down for so long, I hit breaking point today with something that could be minimal... I messaged H and he replied and I went into a quiet room and just talked with him and cried... I needed him and he was here for me despite being 18 hours away. He made me laugh and helped me in ways he did not even realise. After when I was feeling better and went to my desk another coworker - S came up to me to check if I was alright, she understood as she went through something similar and I really am thankful I have people keeping me grounded.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Inside Out - Chainsmokers

Inside Out by Chainsmokers

Cover by Madilyn Paige ft. John Allred

Bend your chest open so I can reach your heart
I need to get inside, or I'll start a war
Wanna look at the pieces that make you who you are
I wanna build you up and pick you apart

Let me see the dark sides as well as the bright
I'm gonna love you inside out
I'm gonna love you inside out

Let me see the dark sides as well as the bright
I'm gonna love you inside out
I'm gonna love you inside out

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna pick your brain and get to know your thoughts
So I can read your mind when you don't wanna talk
And can I touch your face before you go?
I collect your scales but you don't have to know


Slowly I am getting to know you, the real you that I am forever intrigued by.
Stranger from completely different unfathomable world, you somehow seem so familiar. 
Despite it being a little over two months since that fateful night, I know, I love you.
When it feels right, you know it is right.

You are the good guy, the one I never expect to exist.
You are selfless and you are the good.
Despite my weaknesses I feel a desire to protect you.
I hate the thought of someone taking advantage of you.
You are right, I am too judgmental and am sorry for jumping to conclusions.
 I should not let the closing of a short chapter in your life affect me as it had...
I am trying to be more understanding and keeping my mind open.
I am so grateful and happy of how open you are with me.
Though you require a lot of prying... But we will get there.
I am willing to be patient and wait.

I love you for who you are <3
I love you inside out.
I love you!

~ 4.1.17 ~