Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Inside Out - Chainsmokers

Inside Out by Chainsmokers

Cover by Madilyn Paige ft. John Allred

Bend your chest open so I can reach your heart
I need to get inside, or I'll start a war
Wanna look at the pieces that make you who you are
I wanna build you up and pick you apart

Let me see the dark sides as well as the bright
I'm gonna love you inside out
I'm gonna love you inside out

Let me see the dark sides as well as the bright
I'm gonna love you inside out
I'm gonna love you inside out

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna pick your brain and get to know your thoughts
So I can read your mind when you don't wanna talk
And can I touch your face before you go?
I collect your scales but you don't have to know


Slowly I am getting to know you, the real you that I am forever intrigued by.
Stranger from completely different unfathomable world, you somehow seem so familiar. 
Despite it being a little over two months since that fateful night, I know, I love you.
When it feels right, you know it is right.

You are the good guy, the one I never expect to exist.
You are selfless and you are the good.
Despite my weaknesses I feel a desire to protect you.
I hate the thought of someone taking advantage of you.
You are right, I am too judgmental and am sorry for jumping to conclusions.
 I should not let the closing of a short chapter in your life affect me as it had...
I am trying to be more understanding and keeping my mind open.
I am so grateful and happy of how open you are with me.
Though you require a lot of prying... But we will get there.
I am willing to be patient and wait.

I love you for who you are <3
I love you inside out.
I love you!

~ 4.1.17 ~

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