Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who am I?

Last week was a week filled with stress and unexpected conversations and interesting turn of events.

It began with a sudden response to attend a job Assessment Centre followed by a heart to heart with someone I truly respect and have learnt a lot from.

Reflecting on the past week I realise how fed up I am with my current situation, how stressed about work I was when I shouldn't be, and overall how disconnected I am from who I am and what I really want.

My wise friend has shared an inspiring story of the great boxer Buster Douglas. "Who the hell is he?" You might ask, well I'm sure most people are familiar with the name Mike Tyson (even auto correct had his name come up after I typed Mike!). Long story short, Buster was able to defeat Mike at an event where the odds were stacked against him. Obviously he had to have talent to even get in the same ring as Mike Tyson, but what won him the fight was his belief and determination. Believing in himself that he could accomplish what seemed an impossible task. It highlights "success" has a lot to do with the mind. This is a valuable lesson I have learnt from my friend.

Another important lesson my friend has taught me was the importance of finding and loving yourself. Yes, I may appear to be bubbly and positive and easily fit in with other people, but I need to let the real me come out. I need to know who I am and not who I think people want me to be. Happiness and love come from within.

My friend made me realise how passive the real me has become. Even though I am appearing to be confident in some aspects to people, but I shut people out really easily and put up my guards. My instinctual response to conflict is to initiate flight response. Avoidance.

Over the weekend I went swimming. In the cool water I was relaxed but also managed to challenged myself by doing more laps. I was in control of my body and push myself harder.

Slowly but surely I'm connecting with the real me and learning to love myself.



-- 18.08.15 --

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