Friday, February 26, 2016

Save My Soul

A moth to a candle
That's me to you
I was never this fragile
Or consumed
I'm covered in shrapnel
Through and Through
And I wish I knew how to
Hate you

I try to wash the scars and marks from under my skin
But you're etched in me like stone

Save My Soul - Jojo

I don't know what to do.
I thought it through and through but emotions defy logic.

I'm the inflamed moth, slowly burning but not wanting to leave your side.
I am an addict, you're the drug that I keep going back to.

I feel like a fool, repeating the same things over and over again...
It is not to get it out of my system, it is to get through to you.

You say you choose me but your actions say otherwise.
Your closure, my pain.

Let time once again heal my wounds.
Let pain teach me yet another lesson.

-- 26.2.16--

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