Friday, February 26, 2016

My Ultimate Fear

Death and dying alone.
I confided in K many a times when I had nightmares about death.
Despite how open society may be, death is still somewhat a taboo subject.
I am terrified of the fact that one day I will cease to exist.
I do not know for certain whether there is an afterlife and what happens after "death".
Accompanied with death is fear of dying alone.
I love the people around me and do not wish to part from them.
I used to have discussions with K as to who we would rather go first.
K used to say he wish to go first because he couldn't cope with losing me, but he also said he goes second because he does not wish for me to be in pain.
Those were our naive innocent days.
At the end of the day it is easier being the one who walks away first.
Now I try avoid thinking about death.
It is always going to be the unknown.
Depending on what is after death some might wish for a longer "life" or simply "don't die" but that is outside our control.
The worst moment before death would be thinking about regrets. 
I don't want any regrets.
Carpe diem.
-- 26.2.17 --

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