Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Always been a fan of Wong Fu videos.
First came across their videos in first year of uni, hooked ever since.
There were gaps when I stopped following them for awhile, and yes, they do have quite a few cliche videos, but Wong Fu always deliver shorts that you resonate with and stir up the deepest emotions you have been trying to hide..
The cinematography, the actor/actresses skills in articulating the complex and raw emotions, their interpretation on love...
Wong Fu.

A recent video released by them titled 'I love you' isn't enough - ACCUMULATED really struck a chord in me.

The video can be found here

The video took me down my memory lane.
When 'I like you' was enough...
When 'I love you' was enough...
The first awkward kiss...
The first time truly falling in love...
The first time those words were uttered...
The first time feeling like you've found 'The One'...
The first time your heart truly broke...
The first time feeling lost and not having any sense of direction...
The first time realising you really don't know what you've got until it's gone... 

As the video concludes:
"What makes it enough, what makes it 'The One'. is choice.
Constantly choosing to love."

How do we rid ourselves of insecurities while in a relationship?
Especially one where you have broken up previously and gotten back together...
It astonishes me when some people use "breaking up" as a way of testing how much the other person care for them.
How can breaking up be so easily brought up?

How do we know if the other person will constantly choose love, choose us no matter how difficult times become?
We are burnt by our past relationships and consequently become scared to choose to love.
The older we get, the more cynical we are and the thicker and higher our barriers become.

We are 'okay' on our own, but it doesn't stop us wanting more...
Having someone to share our happiness with turns emotions into experience; no longer just feelings but cherished moments shared.
Giving someone else the control of our emotions
Trusting oneself to make the right decision
Trusting someone and being vulnerable...
Is the feeling mutual or just my imagination running wild?
The highs of a relationship turns you into a courageous masochist, craving more and exposing yourself to emotionally and physically draining pain over and over again... 
How do you know when to pull and let go in the tug-of-war of love?...

-- 21.10.15 --

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