Sunday, October 18, 2015

Freedom, Reason for Being, Inspired, Nostalgia

The show that started my addiction to Japanese dramas and culture was the classic - Majo no Joken (魔女の条件/魔女的條件/Terms of a Witch aka Forbidden Love).

I watched the drama around the age of 14-16 and had very little experience or understanding of the concept of "love", yet I vividly remember being so engrossed in the drama I finished the series within a few short days and was balling my eyes out at the "sad scenes". 

Re-watching it at the age of 24 (fine... almost 25.. >o<") there is so much more to the show than what a 14-16 year old could comprehend. 

One scene that stuck out to me was the scene near the end when Hikaru read's Michi's letter and she talks about freedom:

Chinese translation:
是應該寫成 "自"己存在的理"由"吧。



My rough English translation:
Try to think of how "freedom" should be written.
It should be written as the "purpose" of "self" existence" [Note ** below]
Being in charge of your happiness and determination, perhaps is the real freedom. 

So no matter what happens must live on, or else there is no point.
No matter how hard it is, even if you fall, even if you lie on the ground you still must live on.
If its not like this, you will never reach the real kingdom of freedom.
Oh, no, I should say, the kingdom of freedom does not exist anywhere.
The kingdom of freedom must be created with your own two hands. 

**This makes more sense in Japanese/Chinese due to characters used - 自 = self, 由 = purpose, together 自由 = freedom

We often feel suffocated by all that goes on around us. 
We conform to societal pressure and slowly start to lose a sense of self as we try to fit into the mould placed around us.
One day, we might look in the mirror and not recognise the person staring back at us...

I wish to love everything about myself - my past, present and future. 
I strive to become independent and free, but on the way I need to figure out the purpose of my existence and who I really am and want to become.

Things never turn out as you plan, just have to embrace each day as a new challenge and make the most of it.
It is hard when I feel insecure, unworthy, and just overall negative about myself.
If life is pulling me down, I take a moment to rest then muster my courage and determination to stand up to life and continue moving forward.
I am in charge of my own life and happiness.
I am thankful for every day I am alive and have the opportunity to better myself. 

Life is too short to give up and let go of my dreams and chance to be happy.

I hope one day I can find peace, serenity, happiness and love.

-- 18/10/15 --

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