Thursday, October 8, 2015

∮10 曖昧 - Ambiguous Flirting - 楊丞琳 Rainie Yang

曖昧 - Ambiguous Flirting by 楊丞琳 Rainie Yang

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:



曖昧讓人受盡委屈 找不到相愛的證據
Flirting makes you suffer, cannot find proof of mutual love
何時該前進 何時該放棄
When to be move forward, when to give up
Don't even have the courage to embrace

只能陪你到這裡 畢竟有些事不可以
Can only accompany you to here, there are some things that just can't be done
超過了友情 還不到愛情
Beyond friendship, but not quite love
The distant scenery is almost raining

到底該不該哭泣 想太多是我還是你
Should I be crying, who is the one who over thought about it
我很不服氣 也開始懷疑
I cannot accept, and start to doubt
Whether the person in front of me is the same real you 

曖昧讓人受盡委屈 找不到相愛的證據
Flirting makes you suffer, cannot find proof of mutual love
何時該前進 何時該放棄
When to be move forward, when to give up
Don't even have the courage to embrace

曖昧讓人變得貪心 直到等待失去意義
Flirting makes you greedy, till waiting loses it's purpose
無奈我和你 寫不出結局
Frustrated you and I, cannot write an ending
放遺憾的美麗 停在這裡
Let the beauty of regret, end here

曖昧讓人受盡委屈 找不到相愛的證據
Flirting makes you suffer, cannot find proof of mutual love
何時該前進 何時該放棄
When to be move forward, when to give up
Don't even have the courage to embrace

曖昧讓人變得貪心 直到等待失去意義
Flirting makes you greedy, till waiting loses it's purpose
無奈我和你 寫不出結局
Frustrated you and I, cannot write an ending
放遺憾的美麗 停在這裡
Let the beauty of regret, end here


I am confused...
Am I reading the signals wrong? ...

Does everything come down to bad timing?
Or, does it come down to I'm just a "bro" destined to be friend zoned?

Do guys not take things further simply because they don't wish to risk jeperdising the friendship? 
Or, is this just an excuse to avoid hurting me directly?...

Confidence, why do I lose you so quickly?
Insecurities, why are you so present at every aspects of my life?...

I try not to hope, but the happiness when we spend time together just makes resisting temptation to take things further that much harder....

I hope he makes his mind up before it's too late....

Don't need a man to be happy.
I will be my own happiness. 

-- 09/09/15 --

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