Wednesday, September 30, 2015

∮9 盛夏光年 - Eternal Summer - 五月天 May Day

盛夏光年 Eternal Summer by 五月天 May Day


陳冰's Cover

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:




我驕傲的破壞 我痛恨的平凡 才想起那些是我最愛
I proudly destroy, the mundane I hate the most, only to remember they were my most beloved
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外 
Let mid summer greedily play, let the harsh future, be released beyond eternity

而現在 放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
And now, let go of the rules, let go to love, unleash yourself, forget about the future
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎
I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured

讓定律更簡單 讓秩序更混亂 這樣的青春我才喜歡
Simplify the rules, let order become chaotic,  I like this kind of adolescence
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外
Let mid summer greedily play, let the harsh future, be released beyond eternity

而現在 放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
And now, let go of the rules, let go and love, unleash yourself, forget about the future
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎
I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
I want to be crazy, I want to love, just, I want to be crazy, I want to love, now
一萬首的mp3 一萬次瘋狂的愛 滅不了一個渺小的孤單
Ten thousand songs, crazily love ten thousand times, cannot extinguish that tiny bit of loneliness

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
I want to be crazy, I want to love, just, I want to be crazy, I want to love, now
盛夏的一場狂歡 來到了光年之外 
Mid summer's crazy celebration, go beyond eternity
Is growing up the agony every human must endure

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
Let go of the rules, let go and love, unleash yourself, forget about the future
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎
I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured, I won't be detoured

I love 陳冰's rendition of this song.
I love the pain, the power, despair, frustration and the craving resonating in her voice.
I wish I had the perseverance to pursue what I want and not be deterred.

My mind and emotions are stuck.
Don't know how to think, how to feel, know what I want, or see things clearly at this point...
The only "logical" point to me right now is to just hold back, not engage in anything that could risk putting my heart on the line again...
I know what I don't want, but what I want... I am not sure anymore...

Really wish "relationships" were more straightforward and obvious, but no, they just have to be complicated and so many factors to consider...
Scares me to even imagine marriage and the responsibilities attached...

Looking back at my life, I have had a pretty lucky streak:
- Lucky I never gave birth to a child when I am not ready.
- Lucky despite the pain involved, I have learnt a lot on what to do and not do in a relationship
- Very lucky to realise who I can count on in my time of need, my "sisters" are what mean the most to me in this world
- Some may even say I dodged a bullet, which in a way is very true

It is very hard for the romantic in me not to put ideas in my head...
The past has taught me to lighten up and don't give in to the desire to want more, the desire has lead to disappointment and pain...

Must not be greedy and one day I will be rewarded with what I deserve.
I need to find confidence, find the real me, to love myself and to find inner happiness and peace.

-- 30.09.15 --

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