Saturday, December 5, 2015

∮13 對愛可望 Craving for Love - 楊宗緯 & 蔡健雅 Aska Yang & Tanya Chua

對愛可望 Craving for Love by 楊宗緯 & 蔡健雅 Aska Yang & Tanya Chua

Aska's version:

Tanya's version:

對愛渴望 Craving for love


Composer作曲:蔡健雅 Tanya Chua
Arrangements編曲:鍾興民 Baby Chung
Original singer原唱:楊宗緯 Aska Yang

條件都已放寬 精彩又怎樣

Standards have been lowered, so what if its entertaining
愛情的使用量 盡量 減半
The amount of love used, try to halve the dosage
睡得太晚 夢太頻繁
Sleeping too late, dreaming too frequently
別來煩 幫個忙
Please help, stop disturbing me
獨自呢喃 天都快亮 又回想
Muttering alone, till almost sunrise, reminiscing again

無盡無盡的夜晚 打不烊的小酒館

Never, never ending night, a little bar that never shuts
沒有人急著回家 沒有人想各自回家
No one in a rush to go home, no one wants to go home alone
無盡無盡的夜晚 愛在舌尖上打轉
Never, never ending night, love at the tip of our tongue
測試他對我有 多瘋狂
Testing how crazy he is for me
原來只是精神上 對愛渴望
Turns out I only crave the thought of love
那麼嚮往 那麼困難
So idealised, so difficult

早適應了孤單 孤單不怎樣

Long used to loneliness, loneliness is not a big deal
愛人的使用量 盡量 健康
The amount of love you give, try to keep it healthy
睡得太晚 夢太頻繁
Sleeping too late, dreaming too frequently
別來煩 幫個忙
Please help, stop disturbing me
獨自呢喃 天都快亮 又回想
Muttering alone, till almost sunrise, reminiscing again

無盡無盡的夜晚 打不烊的小酒館

Never, never ending night, a little bar that never shuts
沒有人急著回家 沒有人想各自回家
No one in a rush to go home, no one wants to go home alone
無盡無盡的夜晚 愛在舌尖上打轉
Never, never ending night, love at the tip of our tongue
測試他對我有 多瘋狂
Testing how crazy he is for me
Turns out is just a formality
Craving for love
那麼嚮往 那麼困難
So idealised, so difficult

對愛渴望 對愛渴望

Craving for love, craving for love
那麼嚮往 那麼困難
So idealised, so difficult
對愛渴望 對愛渴望
Craving for love, craving for love


Love both versions of this song.
I love the tenderness of this song.
The song conveys almost giving up but not quite given up, so easy to empathise with in my current state...
You crave for the ideal love, but at the same time you are used to loneliness and prepared for the worse.

I thought I was prepared, but little things just drive me "loco"...

I know he likes or is interested in my best friend...
It sucks that I see them liking each other's posts, that he seems more interested in her than me...
I don't want to be the jealous girl who does crazy things, stalk, compare, get jealous, and feel insecure...
What has he done to me?...
If it were any other girl it would be easier, but it is my best friend...
I cannot hate my best friend, I cannot even begin to compare myself with her...
Growing up I've had countless experience of guys being friends with me to get to her...
Is he just another case of one of "those guys"?...
Yes, I will admit I was jealous and upset, to the point where I thought I was ready to give up... 

As I was talking to my other best friend possibly with tears in my eyes... the thought of giving up and losing him stopped me...

I know I am not fully comfortable with myself or happy in my current state, that is a big reason why I cannot and have not said anything to him in person...
I try to stay positive and think that maybe I'm just reading too much into it...
Maybe there is still a chance as Round 3 hasn't happened yet..
If he didn't care he wouldn't have done what he's done so far and said some things he's said right?...
Why would you bother so much with someone you are not interested in?...
He said when he becomes interested in a girl he does a LOT of digging, don't know if what he's doing now with my photos counts as "digging"...
A part of me do, and another big part of me don't wish for him to ever discover this blog...

The "First Round: I was prepared for the worse. 
Yes it was a rejection but I also had some pleasant surprise out of it in that he had actually considered it in the past.
I tried accepting it and being gracious with my "friend zone", telling him and helping him with my best friend (yes I'm a stupid masochist in a relationship and do what ever to make the other person happy even if it means hurting myself...)... 

The "Second Round" happened sooner than I had expected and I was not prepared. It was him being surprised that our star signs were compatible but he is scared of losing what we have got as friends, and I couldn't convince him otherwise...

After Round two we began "The Game"...

The oh so sweet flirting that has lead me to become so confused and conflicted right now...
The only one thing I know for sure now is I am not ready to face "Round 3".
As I said to him: I'm scared to initiate if I'm not confident with result. Would rather keep it as is in the current state at least I'm happy ish.

The lyrics of the song he quoted: Please be Careful with My Heart 
If you love me, like you tell me
Please be careful with my heart
You can take it, just don't break it
Or my world will fall apart
You are my first romance, and I'm willing to take a chance
That til life is through, I'll still be loving you
I will be true to you, just a promise from you will do
From the very start, please be careful with my heart

I am trying hard to keep a hold of my heart but it is so close to jumping out of my chest and defying logic and mind.
I'm an ENFP, the 'feeling' part of my personality is really in play right now...
I am scared of making the decision, just have to take it as each days come and hope for the best? 
I am in no head space to think at 5am in the morning while sleep deprived. 
What ever happens, I know I have my best friends here to support me.
I will be okay. 

-- 5.12.15 --

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