Tuesday, December 8, 2015

傻瓜 Silly...

Don't know what to say...
Don't know whether to say he is thoughtful, or whether he has a lot of pride, or whether he is just... GAH! FRUSTRATING!
Cannot believe he put up with the pain just because of "smell"...
Silly boy!!!
Watching him limp as he walked away I was so tempted to follow him and make him get back in the car but I didn't want to impose...
I thought he was meeting someone else or something... Stupid jealousy... Stupid me...
Will he ever learn to take care of himself?
Will he ever put himself first before others?
I wish to take care of him and be there for him... 
Why does my feeling have to be even more present?... 
I have so much fun and time really flies when I'm with him...
I really do miss him...
What do I do?...

-- 8.12.15 --

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