Friday, December 18, 2015


I believe in soul mates.

Soulmates share everything with one another.
Soulmates challenge each other to better themselves.
Soulmates are not afraid to oppose one another because difference of opinion is to keep each other open minded.
Soulmates gives each other space to have their own life, interest, friends and freedom to be themselves.
Soulmates are honest, open and upfront with each other.
Soulmates care, notice and be there for one another.
Soulmates do things and don't expect anything in return. 
Soulmates begins with honesty and trust. 
Willingness to show your vulnerability to one another.
Willingness to give it all you've got.

Lately I have put my mind and heart through countless sleepless nights...
I am tired, I am frustrated, I am heartbroken...
As hard as it is to swallow, what choice do I have?

One important lesson I have learned after everything is to love myself.
When I care about someone I lose myself and put them before my own needs and feelings.
I need to start putting myself first above all others.

What is the point of me pouring my heart out to someone if they do not care to listen?
What is the point of me suppressing my feelings to make everyone feel better, when I am hurting inside?
What is the point of me giving my all when the other person is just playing around with my feelings?
What is the point when love brings pain?... 
What is the point of my pain?...

They say love is a game for two.
Both have to be willing participants or it will never work.
Time for me to hang up my dancing shoes and leave this pointless solo performance.

-- 18.12.15 --

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