Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's the little things that count

I am such a sucker for little gentalmanly gestures...
To be honest it was very unexpected.
Before I even showed any signs of being cold he had offered his jacket to me, of course with his usual banter before he offered it, but he still lent me his jacket :3
Thank you <3

Was an amazing feeling being back at my primary school even though it has changed a lot.
I felt a sense of belonging and pride as an alumni.

Today was a lot of fun just hanging out and doing outdoorsy activities as a group and yay I managed to hit the baseball to everyone's surprise haha
Basketball was something I was very interested in thanks to the anime Slam Dunk but never really had the fitness, courage or perseverance to pursue.
It was so much fun just being myself, pushing myself and showing my competitive side that is often hidden.

I know this is how I wish to live my life.
Being outdoor, trying new things, challenging and pushing myself, and not afraid to be myself.
That is one thing I really like about being with him, feeling at ease but also challenged to better myself.
Being disciplined and having some kind of routine in my life is such a great feeling.

I really like the feeling when we were in the same team - just "clicking" without effort and somehow it all fell into place with one look, one turn of the head, small signals and somehow being at the right place at the right time...
It just felt... right...

I'm in no way ready for the next stage yet.
I have a goal in mind and when I've achieved it, am more confident and happy with myself maybe then I will have the courage to have face to face round 3.....
For now, just continue to breath and live. 

-- 13.12.15 --

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