Thursday, January 28, 2016


When I do things for other people I dont expect anything in return.
I find happiness in spoiling people I like and making someone happy.
In a way I also do it for myself.
Kind gestures to redeem for my karma, oh yes, there have been moments of my life that im not proud of...
Thinking about karma and the after life scares me.
Sometimes I think it is just easier if I could believe theres nothing beyond this life and could adopt the "yolo" attitude, sadly im an over thinker.

The past few days I have been thinking.
I do not expect anybody to change themselves for me.
They dont owe me anything, even "promises" are often broken.
The temporary pain and tears are nothing to anyone else but me.
I need to lower my expectations but also not "settle" for anything less than what I want.
I am someone of their words.
Mark my words, I will be happy.
Whether in a relationship or not, I will be happy.

-- 29.1.16 --

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