Sunday, January 3, 2016

What I want

I don't want a million admirers, I just want one
I don't want to be loved widely, I just want to be loved deeply

I want someone who loves me for being me
I want someone who appreciates all the little things
I want someone who is not afraid to love and be loved
I want someone who I cry liters of tears for, tears of joy 
I want someone who cannot imagine a world without one another
I want someone who I feel safe and at peace when I am with him
I want someone who sees my beauty even when I don't feel beautiful 
I want someone who share the same emotions be it happiness or pain
I want someone who I don't make sacrifices for, because everything I do is out of choice and not a sacrifice
I want someone who I want to start a family with, I refuse to bring an innocent being into life if I cannot provide a loving and stable family that I so craved.
I want someone who believe in destiny but also romance, to know that destiny may have brought us together but it is romance and dedication that keeps us together

I want my soulmate.

-- 4.1.16 --

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