Friday, January 15, 2016

I just wish to be by your side

Being in your company and being your company is what I wish for.
Just someone to enjoy life's ups and downs and have a laugh together.
Don't need whirlwind romance, small dosages once in awhile to add spark to the passion is all I ask for.
Just someone who will put effort in and give it their all.
I don't want a mansion or maids, to be self sufficient with a little bit more to give back would be ideal.
Just enough to live comfortably, not too much that we lose our humbleness.
I am fiercely independent, to rely on someone will take time and a lot of trust, something I will never take for granted.
Just want to be equal partners, supportive of one another but also not lose our individuality or independence.
I'm no model and appearances will fade with age, I simply ask for a kind heart and healthy body.
Just someone to enjoy our life journey together, side by side, hand in hand.
When you feel low, I will brighten your day.
In my moments of weakness, please don't give up hope.

Who ever you are, where ever you are, I am here waiting.
Till we are one, I will better myself and work on my shortcomings.
Please do not be scared to commit, for I am in for the long haul.
I will not abandon you in your times of need, if it's us against the world then so be it, I'm not afraid with you by my side.
Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing what life has planned for us.

-- 16.1.16 --

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