Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I am on a break from my reality.
I have had the luxury to step outside my daily routine and let my mind pause to properly think and reflect.
I connected more deeply with a few friends and am inspired by their strength.

It takes strength to be the one that walks away.
It takes strength to not give in to someone else's demands.
It takes strength to know and actually say "no" and "enough is enough".
It takes strength to follow your head and take control and responsibility of your life.
It takes strength to acknowledge your mistakes and shortcomings and DO something about it.
It takes strength to be a woman.
It takes strength to be alive.

I visited what appeared to be a happy innocent rural school.
Little did I know the school housed numerous students with complex backgrounds who suffered mental and/or physical abuse in their life.
Some came from abusive families, others have been exposed to drugs or have parent(s) serving custodial sentences.
It was a regular occurrence for students to inflict self harm whist in the middle of a class with some student attending weekly councilling service and take medication for mental illnesses.
Hearing about the other side of the school beyond the academics that many parents only care about made me sad.
There are so many innocent children out there who have been traumatized by parents who were supposed to be the protector but actually are the culprit inflicting pain and suffering on their children.
So many parents focus on their child's academic achievement that the child's emotional needs are neglected.
I am thankful to have come out of what I went through and be who I am today.
Made me appreciate the support I had from my friends who were there at the toughest moments.
They are now all but moments I have overcomed.
I hope the children at the school will do the same, overcome their issues and become stronger because of it, dont let the past define their future.

Strength is not just physical.
True strength is much more than that.
Strength is to make the most of each day.
Strength is to live.

-- 19.4.16 --

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