Tuesday, September 1, 2015

∮7 情非得已 Can't help falling in love - 庾澄慶 Harlem Yu

情非得已 Can't help falling in love - 庾澄慶 Harlem Yu


編曲:Jamie Wilson

難以忘記初次見你 一雙迷人的眼睛

Cannot forget the first time I meet you, your pair of attractive eyes
在我腦海裡 你的身影 揮散不去
In my mind your presence lingers cannot be erased
握你的雙手感覺你的溫柔 真的有點透不過氣
Holding your hands, feeling your tenderness, almost suffocating 

你的天真 我想珍惜 
Your innocence, I want to treasure
看到你受委屈 我會傷心
Watching you suffer upsets me

只怕我自己會愛上你 不敢讓自己靠得太近
Just scared I will fall in love with you, so I don't allow you to get close
怕我沒什麼能夠給你 愛你也需要很大的勇氣
Scared I cannot give you anything, takes a lot of courage to love you

只怕我自己會愛上你 也許有天會情不自禁
Just scared I will fall in love with you, maybe one day I can't hold back anymore

想念只讓自己苦了自己 愛上你是我情非得已
Thinking about it makes it worse for me, I can't help falling in love with you

難以忘記初次見你 一雙迷人的眼睛

Cannot forget the first time I meet you, your pair of attractive eyes
在我腦海裡 你的身影 揮散不去

In my mind your presence lingers cannot be erased
握你的雙手感覺你的溫柔 真的有點透不過氣
Holding your hands, feeling your tenderness, almost suffocating 

你的天真 我想珍惜 
Your innocence, I want to treasure
看到你受委屈 我會傷心
Watching you suffer upsets me

只怕我自己會愛上你 不敢讓自己靠得太近
Just scared I will fall in love with you, so I don't allow you to get close
怕我沒什麼能夠給你 愛你也需要很大的勇氣
Scared I cannot give you anything, takes a lot of courage to love you

只怕我自己會愛上你 也許有天會情不自禁
Just scared I will fall in love with you, maybe one day I can't hold back anymore

想念只讓自己苦了自己 愛上你是我情非得已
Thinking about it makes it worse for me, I can't help falling in love with you

什麼原因 我竟然又會遇見你
Why do I continue running into you

我真的真的不願意 就這樣陷入愛的陷阱
I really really did not want to just fall into love's trap

只怕我自己會愛上你 不敢讓自己靠得太近
Just scared I will fall in love with you, so I don't allow you to get close
怕我沒什麼能夠給你 愛你也需要很大的勇氣
Scared I cannot give you anything, takes a lot of courage to love you

只怕我自己會愛上你 也許有天會情不自禁
Just scared I will fall in love with you, maybe one day I can't hold back anymore

想念只讓自己苦了自己 愛上你是我情非得已
Thinking about it makes it worse for me, I can't help falling in love with you

I can't help falling in love with you

This song is the theme song of Meteor Garden.
A drama that my best friends and I bonded over.
The song that we used to sing at karaoke and walking home from school.
As an overly romantic teenager, I can't help but fantasize about future relationships, would I ever be in a relationship where the chemistry and love is that strong?

After my last relationship I realise the best part of the relationship is the comfortable silence.
When you get to a stage where you know each other so well that you don't even need to say anything and the other person already knows.
Being in the same room as him, doing our own things, but with one look, one smile, one touch, you know you are both in love and have each other in the back of your mind.
I am a hopeless romantic but can also appreciate the mundane little things in life. 
Little gestures like offering coat, putting arm out to protect me from falling, or pulling the blanket over my shoulders...

In Meteor Garden there are lots of side stories not just about the main characters Shancai and Daoming Si. 
I see shadows of myself in a few characters:
- Shancai's average girl with no background, stubborn, resilient, cynical and fiercely independent. 
- Xiaozi's frankness, fearlessness and perseverance
- Xiaoyou's bravery to pursue someone she likes despite knowing nothing good can come of it, just acting on feelings and wanting to share a moment with someone you like...

I am not in love, love is too strong a word, but I know I have feelings for someone...
Someone I shouldn't have, someone who doesn't need these feelings...
Someone that could continue with his life as if nothing has happened...
I had a long debate with myself before anything happened. 
Morals and logic told me not to, but I still gave in...
Gave in to my feelings... 
Gave in to allowing myself to feel what was one sided...
I don't regret the things that happened between us.
Others may see me as foolish, but I don't regret it at all.
It was selfish for me to ask for what happen to have happened knowing your circumstances... I couldn't help myself.

You are not the stereotypical guy that I like.
If someone told me when I first meet you that things would turn out the way they did, I would simply laugh and not believe it.
I was not ready for a relationship and had put up my guard when it came to guys.
As I got to know you I started liking hanging out with you... 
It was not until that night when you said "I like you" that I actually fell...

I like your eyes
I like your positive, care free spirit
I like your smile
I like your talent, focus and pride in your work
I like your nervousness...
I like you asking for my permission...
I like you making me feel like a little girl, shy and nervous with butterflies in my stomach... 
I like you

I know you do not see me more than friends...
You told me not to linger to the idea that things will turn out how I expect...
You said for me to find my own man and that you know I will find the right one...
I wish you were the one...
But you have made that clear...
I know and will pack away my feelings, liking someone should not be a burden...
I will put on my mask again and pretend to be that bubbly, happy, carefree girl that everyone sees.

Thank you for allowing me to put down my guard and making me feel confident, attractive, desired and like a woman.

-- 01.09.15 --

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