Saturday, September 26, 2015

Friend Zone?

Ideally you want to marry your best friend, someone you can share any and everything with.

How exactly do you distinguish between best friend that is also your partner vs friend zoned best friend?
No simple answer...
If there is even an answer...

I don't know...
I'm conflicted...
I want to love but also protect myself...

Can I trust him?...
Can I trust myself?...

Am I going to regret my decisions one day?...
Am I willing to risk it and invest my time and emotions into him when the returns are unknown?...

I'm... Scared.....
Is it easier to just be a friend to everyone and stay the way I am...

Stay in the shadows... 
Stay protected in my bubble of no expectation, no disappointment, no pain...

-- 26.09.15 --

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