Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Definition: showing no activity; dull and sluggish.

Stagnant is how I've been in the past few months.

No gym, pigging out, just splurging money where ever, eating what ever I want and not having a routine to my life...
I want to change that.
Get back into a routine, get fit, be healthy and happy.

Signing up for the marathon will give me a goal to work towards.

Even if it is just 12k and not even the half marathon, you got to start somewhere right?
Must get out of this stagnant state I'm in and motivate myself.
I need to love myself in order to be happy.
If I can't even love myself, who would want to love me?

Goals for 2015:

- Complete 12k marathon
- Feel healthy, more athletic and keep it up
- Edit my photos from my trip that was more than 2 years ago
- Spoil and take care of myself
- Make an effort with friends that matter 
- Cut out things that are bad for me and hurt me
- Find out more about who I am and letting the real me come out
- Conquer one of my fears 

-- 15.09.15 --

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