Sunday, September 27, 2015

∮8 像瘋了一樣 Like going crazy - 齊秦 Chyi Chin

像瘋了一樣 Like going crazy by 齊秦 Chyi Chin

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:

像瘋了一樣 - 齊秦


Want to know if you're still the same
Have you learnt to be stronger
你快樂的背後 有失望
Behind your happiness, there is disappointment
Did you ever care, at one point I was hurt by you like this

Want to understand why you treat me so indifferently
If you came back would the story be the same
Despite knowing you would not turn your head back to look
I will always just believe that there is hope

像瘋了一樣 越想你就越心傷
Like going crazy, more I think of you the more heartbroken I become
我多麼愛你 卻難逃你的魔掌
I love you so much, cannot escape from your grasp
像瘋了一樣 你缺少了安全感
Like going crazy, you make me insecure
你讓我多麼難堪 卻還是一樣把我傷
You embarrassed me so much, and still also hurt me

Want to understand why you treat me so indifferently
If you came back would the story be the same
Despite knowing you would not turn your head back to look
I will always just believe that there is hope

像瘋了一樣 越想你就越心傷
Like going crazy, more I think of you the more heartbroken I become
我多麼愛你 卻難逃你的魔掌
I love you so much, cannot escape from your grasp
像瘋了一樣 你缺少了安全感
Like going crazy, you make me insecure
你讓我多麼難堪 卻還是一樣把我傷

You embarrassed me so much, and still also hurt me

像瘋了一樣 越想你就越心傷
Like going crazy, more I think of you the more heartbroken I become
我多麼愛你 卻難逃你的魔掌
I love you so much, cannot escape from your grasp
像瘋了一樣 你缺少了安全感
Like going crazy, you make me insecure
你讓我多麼難堪 卻還是一樣把我傷
You embarrassed me so much, and still also hurt me

This song was released in 2010 by a very talented and well respected singer - Chiyi Chin.
Like many others, I recently came to know of this song from Chinese singing competition - The Voice of China.

Chyi Chin's original version is a very soft ballad from a sensitive man who is caught up in his emotions but not ready to let go.

The contestant - 孫伯綸's rendition gives the song more depth, there is more pain behind his voice, like he's on the brink of collapsing.

I repeat to myself over and over again, I should not have hope and expectation...
The more I think of him, the more I think of the prospects and it really hurts...
To feel like you don't mean anything to someone you care about...
I am so unconfident and insecure...

I don't know why I feel this way about him.
It would make it so much easier if I just forget and move on.
Maybe there might be a chance with someone else who understands my feelings, who cares, who replies... 

I don't want to overthink anything anymore, will just see how everything plays out and live with it...
I am sick of being the "proactive one", I want to be me and if someone likes me for being me, they will need to pluck up the courage to do something about it.
So many things I wish to accomplish, goals to achieve, relationship will need to take a backseat...
Relationships are too draining physically, emotionally and financially.
I need time to figure myself out and be happy with who I am.
If you can't even love yourself, why would someone else love you?

-- 27.09.15 --

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