Thursday, November 26, 2015

∮12 小幸運 A Little Happiness - 田馥甄 Hebe Tien

小幸運 A Little Happiness by 田馥甄 Hebe Tien

Original Chinese lyrics and my English translation/interpretation of the lyrics:


A Little Happiness

電影 我的少女時代 主題曲
Movie "Our Times" Theme song


作曲:Jerry C
編曲:Jerry C

我聽見雨滴 落在青青草地

I heard the rain drops fall on the luscious grass field
我聽見遠方 下課鐘聲響起
I heard the distant after school bell ringing
可是我沒有聽見你的聲音 認真呼喚我姓名
But I do not hear your voice, earnestly calling out my name

愛上你的時候 還不懂感情

When I fell in love with you I did not understand the feelings
離別了 才覺得刻骨銘心
After parting I felt how deep and ingrained my feelings were
為什麼沒有發現 遇見了你 是生命最好的事情
Why did I not realise meeting you is the best thing in my life

Maybe at the time

忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
Busily smiling and laughing, chasing after meteors in the sky
We inevitably forget
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
Who was the one in the wind and rain silently protecting the place where it all began

原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
As it turns out, you are the happiness that I yearn to keep

原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
As it turns out, love was once at our fingertips
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
That decision you made against the world for me, drenched in the rain with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Each and every moment was filled by your pure sincere heart

與你相遇 好幸運
Was so lucky to have meet you

可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I also lost the right to cry my eyes out for you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I hope somewhere in this world that I cannot see, you spread your wings
遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運
Meet your destiny, she will be so happy

Youth is the chapter of stumbling and falling journey 

To reflect on the beauty of it in hindsight
來不及感謝 是你給我勇氣 讓我能做回我自己
Did not have the chance to thank you for giving me the courage to be myself again

Perhaps at the time

忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
Busily smiling and laughing, chasing after meteors in the sky
We inevitably forget
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
Who was the one in the wind and rain silently protecting the place where it all began

原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
As it turns out, you are the happiness that I yearn to keep

原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
As it turns out, love was once at our fingertips
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
That decision you made against the world for me, drenched in the rain with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Each and every moment was filled by your pure sincere heart 

與你相遇 好幸運
Was so lucky to have meet you

可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I also lost the right to cry my eyes out for you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I hope somewhere in this world that I cannot see, you spread your wings 
遇見你的註定 Woooo~
Meet your destiny
She will be so happy


I can't help it.
I can't help but pour my heart out to you.

I can't stop myself from just saying how I feel and what is on my mind.
I was so shocked and pleasantly surprised but then also telling myself to not have hope or expectations.
I know you may not feel the same.
I know this could all just be a joke or a test to you...
But I can't help but go along with it.
I don't know why, I am just drawn to you like a moth to flame.
Maybe playing along would have me winding up hurt, but what the hell, at least I am happy now.
Other than "princess", everything else just made me giggle and smile like a fricking dork.
Made me forget the pain and just be happy and feel like I matter.
I don't care if I get hurt anymore.
I really don't.
May this dream never end...

-- 26.11.15 --

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