Monday, November 16, 2015

放下別人等於放過自己... Letting go is to also to let go of yourself...

Though I have not given it all, I still tried...
Despite not turning out the way I had hoped for, I can't lie and say I did not expect this.
I tell myself "no regrets".
Regret is the only aspect I have control over in my life.
Once you have crossed that bridge, there is no turning back.
I know he is being distant with me... for my own sake I guess...
Maybe I left it till too late and really did miss my opportunity, I will never know the what ifs. 
Life is too short to dwell on the what ifs.
I don't regret him knowing how I feel.

I really wish there is someone who likes me for who I am, accept me the way I am, and love me for being me.
There is no compromise or "settling" when it comes to love.
I am willing to risk it all for a chance of relationship because I believe and am willing to give it all.
At the end of the day, a relationship requires two willing parties to participate, I respect his decision.
Maybe not willing to lose our friendship is an excuse, I am still thankful that he at least gave it some thought.
If he wants something, he is an capable of doing something about it.
I will try not to wait around like the fool I have been in the past, revolving my day around someone else's life.
I did not have enough courage to say it to your face... 
I like you.
I will try to change that to liked...

Letting go of him I am also letting go of myself.
I will be truly happy one day.
No more forced smiles.
No more pretence. 
No more pain.

-- 16.11.15 --

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