Thursday, March 24, 2016


Exceptional - Jojo

You never think you measure up
Never smart or cool, or pretty enough
Always feeling different from all the rest, oh
You feel so out of place, you think you don't fit in
I think you're perfect in the skin you're in
You're just perfect just how you are, just how you are, yeah

You're exceptional the way you are
Don't need to change for nobody
You're incredible, anyone can see that
When will you believe that?
You are nothing but exceptional

If you could see the one I see when I see you
You'd know how lucky you are to be you
I see through into you
And you are

As an overthinker, I can't help but compare and criticise each and every inch of myself
I fall into the sinkhole of self-loathing and struggle between wearing my mask and holding my emotions back...

I am not the same as other "stereotypical" girls
I am not feminine
I am not articulate
I am not confident 
I am not like the rest

The most supportive friends a girl could ever ask for have been making me feel exceptional.
They see the real me and each and every one of them have made a difference to who I am in ways they may not even realise.

My best friends have been there from the beginning, crying and laughing as we attempt to jump over the hurdles life placed in front of us. 
We fall, pick ourselves up, learn from our mistakes and soldier on, knowing when times get tough we have each other.
Words cannot express my gratitude in having them in my life, I love them to bits and pieces. 

The friend who is both street and book smart, independent and unapologetic about who he is.
Thank you for sharing your personal stories and words of wisdom.
You appear at the right time and the times spent with you are always accompanied by good food and even better conversations. 
You give it to me how it is, encourage me to better myself and not get caught up in the past.
You have been through so much and have your own baggage to deal with, you have persevered and overcome them while holding onto your integrity and witty sarcasm.
You motivate me with your "fake it till you make it" attitude, to me, you are definitely making it. 

The close friend who is driven, witty and gorgeous - yes you're gorgeous! 
I really enjoy our weekly awkward zumba classes where we spend most of the time laughing at ourselves and getting over our self consciousness. 
You are always so positive and ready to defend and fight for your loved ones, always making the effort to organise events to keep our group close.
You are so much more than what you give yourself credit for and I wish you all the happiness that is heading your way.

The coworkers who have become a good friends.
We get frustrated at the same things and have to struggle between doing the right things and the easy way out but its a great feeling knowing we all have each other's back.
You guys are selfless in sharing your knowledge and make the eight and a half hour each day pass that much quicker.

The coworker who is like a big sister. 
You have passed on your valuable experience, encouragement and the kind compliments that gave me the confidence boost in my career.
Thank you, thank you for being so positive and passing on such good feedback and validating all the extra efforts I put in at work.

There are so many more friends who I am incredibly lucky to have in my life.
I am bad at expressing myself but I treasure all the interactions and moments shared.
You all contribute to who I am as a person. 

I am learning to embrace who I am.
I am a giver and love bringing happiness and positivity to those I care about.
I am not going to let one small negativity make me lose sight of all the happiness in my life. 
I am forever growing and changing who I am, who I want to be, what I want in life.

I am me.

-- 25.3.16 --

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